DNA and Cancer


*[The blue underlined links will open other web sites or web pages]

This study is currently in an ongoing state, it will be changing quite often as new info comes to light.

This study is about "DNA and Cancer" and what we need to know, some studies claim 1 in 3 will get cancer other government sites say 1 in 4. Regardless of the statistics cancer is a real threat for us and those around us.

Just because someone you call an authority figure casts you aside in pursuit of their own agenda does not mean what they say is the truth, it means they are human.

Doctors in the United States for instance are taught by the American Medical Association the AMA to approach the problem of cancer in one of three ways, chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation. Departure from these methods result in criminal prosecution. It is a felony to treat Cancer any other way in California and several other states. (Examples: 1 2 3 4) With these 3 ways you can never be "cured" its called remission because these procedures are not meant to cure, you are meant to survive. Survival is good but, I for one would rather be cancer free. There are others who claim you can be cancer free, some have gone with alternative therapies and lived to tell about them.

I am not an authority on these subjects, I am just telling others where I have looked. I do not have cancer. Others in my family have or had it. My father had 2 different types of cancer colon and lung during his life and his twin sister had breast cancer, another aunt on my fathers side had brain cancer. My aunts on both my mother and fathers sides died from cancer. My father died of complications of chemotherapy and my mother currently has breast cancer in remission.

If you have other information I would be happy to look at it. At this point in this study I have conservatively logged 400 plus hours of reading, listening to doctors seminars and watching videos and I am barely scratching the surface.

We are going to look at where the damage starts and why and how in some cases and what to do about it.

I am not against regulations to keep snake oil salesmen from taking advantage of those who are desperate. I do not like the way natural alternatives approved and effective in other countries are not allowed to be tested here in the US because they are not patentable or may cut into profits of less effective or more invasive options. Further, the FDA lets things like ASPARTAME, CORN SUGAR, and MSG continue to be marketed unchecked. That's a story for another day.

First the where:

This is where all the problems start in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)!

The DNA is the “genetic blueprint” for all living things. If you corrupt it then you have made changes to the blueprint and create something different.

Bare with me as this may seem a little over the head of some but it should pull together quickly. We are only briefly familiarizing ourselves with the DNA strand to identify the problem of disease and possible avenues of prevention.

A DNA molecule looks like a double helix that’s shaped like a long ladder twisted into a spiral. The ends are joined to form a continuous loop, like a rubber band. Within cells, DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes. If a strand of DNA was uncoiled it would be about 5 foot long.

  *Video introduction to DNA (28:05)

DNA contains the information that gives living things their traits or characteristics. In people, it determines things like physical features, behaviors, and even whether we’re right or left-handed. In bacteria, the DNA molecule encodes the information that enables bacteria to grow, reproduce, and cause illness.

Scientists use DNA “fingerprinting” to identify where Genes are located in the base pairs for things like skin color, eye color and genetic diseases. DNA can then be "treated" so that it exhibits the geneticists own special pattern, like Dolly the sheep (1) or glowing pigs (2). A lot is know about our genome, and gene manipulation is still a new science. The long term effects of this "tweaking" are not yet known. DNA “fingerprinting” is used in law enforcement, and also used to identify bacterial strains, allowing detection and cures from attack of bacteria.

DNA Base Pairs

Nucleotide bases are the parts of DNA and RNA that may be involved in pairing. They are the stairs of the ladder. The primary nucleobases are cytosine, guanine, adenine (DNA and RNA), thymine (DNA) and uracil (RNA), abbreviated as C, G, A, T, and U, respectively. They are usually simply called bases in genetics. Because A, G, C, and T appear in the DNA, these molecules are called DNA-bases; A, G, C, and U are called RNA-bases.

These bases come in pairs in DNA for example Cytosine only pairs with Guanine and Adenine only with Thymine. The significance of this for our study will be shone a bit later.


Telomeres are the "end caps" of the DNA. Telomeres have been compared with the plastic tips on shoelaces because they prevent chromosome ends from fraying and unraveling or sticking to each other, which would scramble our genetic information to cause cancer or other diseases or death. Cell division is needed so we can grow new skin, blood, bone and other cells when needed that have the same genetic blueprint.

As the DNA copies itself these "end caps" shorten until the DNA can no longer replicate, the cells normally can divide only about 40 to 60 times. The DNA ages and dies as do we. This process is a major factor in the aging process. If our telomeres were longer we would live longer with a higher quality of life. There are ways to lengthen the Telomeres that are inexpensive.

We will be talking about ways to lengthen our telomeres according to some research a little later.


The green dot on the picture represents ORMUS at the ends of the telomeres. ORMUS contributes to healthy DNA strands which in turn increases our health and resistance to disease. *Video introduction to ORMUS (12:57)

The above information comes from the linked words and the following supporting documents and info:

*What is DNA?

DNA and the Origins of Knowledge

What is DNA profiling and banking?  

*Links with the best explanation on the topic.

Now the why:

Basically the DNA "the blueprints" tell cells what to do and how to do it. Cancer is not a foreign germ from outside the body invading your body. Though outside influences do play a roll. Cancer is the body producing abnormal cells and these abnormal cells are growing at a increased rate, it is thought this abnormal growth is an error in the blueprint of your DNA. The dangers of cancer are that the growth "tumor" causes normal body function to be impaired or stopped by applying pressure to surrounding structures for example the brain, the skull only has so much space a tumor would then push the brain and put pressure on the eyes, ears cerebellum and nervous system. Cancer also can take the nourishment from surrounding healthy cells and starve them. Either case is bad for our bodies delicate balance.

Cancer comes in many forms and each of us has had cancerous growths form in our bodies even though not all of us will have a problem with cancer.

Our choices of what we do with our bodies will influence our resistance or susceptibility to not only cancer but disease in general. The all to convenient excuse of genetics is not a death sentence, and may not even be true in some cases. Just because my father and mother have cancer does not mean I will, DNA tests can help determine that but, their are other factors. We all grew up together, ate the same things, drank the same things, went to the same places and for the most part had contact with the same people. These environmental factors are what has changed from the 1920's and 30's the incidence of cancer was much less I heard it said 1 in 10 would die of cancer back then. This was many years ago before processed foods, plastics, microwaves, and cell phones the rate of cancer was much lower. Now the rate is 1 in 4 or more.

Other developing countries that take on our "western diet" model soon develope the health issues we suffer from. Yet we have been told there is no problem.

Cancers that do form in our bodies Ideally would be taken care of by our tumor suppressor genes but for some reason our suppressor genes are offline or burnt out. Cancers as we said grow rather quickly to grow they need fuel that fuel is called glucose we call it sugar. Glucose is needed throughout the body for energy and to maintain normal function. The normal person has 5 liters of fluid within their body the amount of glucose needed for normal function would be about 1 tablespoon. A 12oz can of coke for example has 9.75 teaspoons of sugar. A glass of milk has 3 to 4 tablespoons.

Our bodies have cycles of ebb and flow like the rhythms of the planets, the earth, seasons, high tide, day and night. These rhythms are called circadian rhythms.


Now that we have seen the DNA, lets look at how it is affected and why. One problem effecting DNA is electron radiation. From almost everything in our modern lives. The cell phone, TV, radio, computer anything plugged it gives off a charge. Because the DNA has an electric charge DNA can become weakened by the electro magnetic fields produced, wifi and wireless signals can damage DNA and is said to be irreparable. Drugs can also change the chemical composition of the body and weaken the DNA. Genetically modified foods GM have the potential to affect the division of cells by the processes they were created with. GM foods can use virus' to inject the "altered" DNA into the plant that would otherwise reject the new DNA as a foreign body.

*How Do Cancer and Tumors Really Form?

Researching Circadian Rhythms and Fat Metabolism

How Does Cancer Form in the Body?

*Understanding what feeds a tumor Part(1) Part(2)

Circadian Rhythms

*What Feeds a Tumor? Part(1) Part(2)

Glucose information (Diabetes focused)

* Blood sugar levels


Other Supporting Documents and info:

DNA Damage

Animation on how cancer develops

What is Genetically Modified Food?

*Wi-Fi: Irreparable DNA Damage

Danger of Genetically Modified Food

Electromagnetic Fields and DNA Damage Part(2) Part(3)

*The Health Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods Part(1) Part(2) Part(3) Part(4) Part(5) Part(6)

The poisoning of the family.

*Links with the best explanation on the topic.


Foods that damage you.

This information is intended to provide generalĀ  information and opinion only, from lay-persons on topics related to natural remedies, home remedies and spiritual remedies. The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, medical, financial, or other professional advice or services.

If expert or professional assistance and advise is required, the publisher advises that you or other interested parties seek the services of a competent professional. The publisher has endeavored to make the material on this website as accurate and up to date as possible.



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