Grounding or Earthing


*[The blue underlined links will open other web sites or web pages]


The first of these studies is about "Earthing" the act of grounding your body to the earth.

First the what:

Radio waves, electricity, wireless signals, TV, and cell phone signals are going through our bodies at all times. These and other forms of radiation bombard us 24/7 and we are slowly being "cooked" alive. Unlike the steak in the microwave oven our bodies are able to repair themselves to a point. Because this radiation is non stop our immune system is constantly removing cells damaged by this free radical reaction.

Cell Damage

Over time this consistent and persistent exposure leads to cell damage. Some of that cell damage we call arthritis, fibromyalgia, and cancer to name a few.

This first video shows you what's going on. I suggest you start with this one. Its 11:27 minutes long.


Now the why:

Now that we have seen what the problem is, electro radiation. We need to know what our body has done to combat the problem and how to reverse it.

There are other videos in the series. I am not allowed to post them due to copyright but the stuff I found on youtube I will post here.

David Wolfe's Earthing Experiment

Total video time: 48:45


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


Supporting Documents and info:

Claims with grounding - Notes and definitions I got from original videos

DOM - Delayed‐Onset Muscle soreness (Cited study from Video)

Coenzyme Q10 - Mentioned in the video

Ghetto Grounding - Home made kit for grounding yourself



The founder of grounding can be found at:

The "real thing" grounding equipment can be found at:

This information is intended to provide general  information and opinion only, from lay-persons on topics related to natural remedies, home remedies and spiritual remedies. The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, medical, financial, or other professional advice or services.

If expert or professional assistance and advise is required, the publisher advises that you or other interested parties seek the services of a competent professional. The publisher has endeavored to make the material on this website as accurate and up to date as possible.



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